Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mini Mum

i have always yearned to be a mother. i think my earliest memory of that yearning is perhaps as a 5 year old. Mummy had me on her lap on a pulpay (grass mat), like she did every hot afternoon, at our modest home where i grew up, in Aamchi Bombay. She asked me, 'so what do you want to be when you grow up?". Supposedly, this was a regular conversation mummy and me had and my answer changed every time i had a new life experience. Life experiences at that age included going to the tailor for the first time. i came back saying i wanted to be a tailor (seamstress) when i grew up. Visiting a dentist left me with wanting to be a dentist when i grew up. Staring school of course made me feel like there is nothing more i would rather be than a teacher when i grew up. Till that day when i was playing with my favorite dolls- Gundu and Natasha, sitting on mummy's lap... and something just dawned upon me. i had had an epiphany on my mummy's lap. i had just figured it all out- i wanted to be nothing but a MUMMY when i grew up. career choice made. all set. no second thoughts. and boy am i glad i made that choice! i only had to wait out 30 more years for my career to unfold and my dream to come true. i am a fully satisfied human now. i feel ecstasy every time i think of achieving that career goal. of being a mummy myself. me as a mum. minimum. my two little ones (M and m) as in big M and little m are of course the world's cutest kids. when i put them to sleep each day, i thank them (silently) for bestowing motherhood upon me. my motherly instinct is strong. strong that it pulls me out of any doldrums i am in. and props me on the most beautiful rainbow.. just sailing through this journey called motherhood. a journey that on most days is drenched in warm sunshine. a journey that has some ominous clouds that come in the form of tantrums by a 2 and a 4-year old (ok ok M and m- 2 3/4 and 4 3/4-year old:)). a journey that i cherish every moment of. a journey which i have been dreaming of since i was on my mothers lap on that pulpay.

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