Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Red eye but ready to see the London Eye

They slept through their first flight- unbelievable. They were excited to eat flight food. Unbelievable. They made the immigration officer chuckle. Unbelievable. Travel with kids for these and more unbelievable moments! 

Even though the vegetarian food we ordered was not available, the delightful flight crew cobbled some healthy options for us. No complaints- we even got some bonus miles!

After a short ride to our hotel in London’s ‘little but giant black cabs’, and some quiet play time with Legos on the hotel bed, we showered and headed out to town on a train. That and a boat ride later, we did some cart wheels in a park where there were women singing opera, suited and booted investment bankers holding up the world’s economy and tourists like us gawking at the Tower Bridge. I talked to a Nigerian cabbie who explained the nuances of Brexit to me better than any BBC podcast as been able to. The kids were asleep the moment their heads hit the pillow. Good night Big Ben. And the Queen. We knew she was in her home as the flag above the castle marks her so. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!!!!I'm so glad you're having fun & spreading the Sharma-Ogle joy across my home country!
